September/October Bulletin
September 1st is the beginning of the year for Orthodox Christians. Yes, it is a time to evaluate our life and see what needs a bit of...
June-July-August Bulletin
As Orthodox Christians, we ‘get’ to celebrate the Feast of the Ascension forty days after Pascha and it is the last time we see Jesus in...
February March April Bulletin
Each of us must take personal responsibility for our own spiritual health and direction our family is heading. Christ our Lord wants to run
November/December 2017
I am reminded of the wise words of Mother Ines, "If you have a thought that bothers you for more than an hour, you need to confess it."...
September/October 2017
Where were you on August 21st? At 10:20 in the morning? Wherever you were, one of the greatest sights in the universe, the total eclipse of
May/June 2017
Mary Magdalene ran with her companions to Jesus’ tomb to complete the anointing of the body of their dear and beloved friend Jesus but...
March/April 2017
I felt this reflection “You Are Everything to Me” from our beloved Josh Luke Ensley was appropriate for fr. tom’s corner during lent and...
January/February 2017
Say Your Prayers, Love God, and Go to Church Many are asked what the new years resolutions will be for 2017. What are yours, losing...
November/December 2016
Confession: Helping Discover the Real You “Be attentive to yourself.1 That is, observe yourself carefully from every side. Let the eye of...
September/October 2016
Socrates said, ”An unexamined life is one not worth living.” Just the same, I believe the front page nine word article, “Why are you...