By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.
John 13:35
Welcome home. Holy Apostles is a family of believers walking together on the path to healing and wholeness in Christ. Since our humble beginnings in 1999, we've grown into a vibrant community where people from all walks of life find acceptance, love, and the deep peace that comes from knowing God.
Our Story
Our journey began with a small but faithful group of eight families and our founding priest, Fr. Michael Johnson, gathering to create something beautiful: a place where everyone could experience the transforming love of Christ. From our first Resurrection service to today, every step of our journey has been marked by God's faithfulness and the warmth of genuine community.
When Fr. Tom Tsagalakis became our priest in 2003, he continued nurturing this vision of a healing community. Today, in our beloved church building (which we've called home since 2006), we continue to grow not just in numbers, but in depth of love and service to Christ and to one another.​
Whether you're an Orthodox Christian new to the area, coming from another religious tradition, or simply curious about Orthodoxy, Holy Apostles welcomes you. Come, be part of our story.
God bless you!
Who We Are
We are a sacramental, life-changing church. Through the Holy Mysteries, we participate in Christ's divine life and place our hope in His loving and transforming grace.
We are a community rooted in prayer and love. At Holy Apostles, we strive to develop a life of prayer and to grow meaningful, honest relationships as we care for those around us.
We are the original Christian Church, worshipping as Christ taught his original Apostles and holding sacred those teachings and traditions. Here you'll discover the stability and continuity of a Church that has faithfully preserved the gifts it received in New Testament times and continues to share these timeless gifts with the world today.
We are on a journey to build a vibrant, Christ-centered, Spirit-filled community of faith. Just as the Holy Apostles were called by Christ to spread the "Good News" to all people, so we witness to the love God has for us all.
We are faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in its fullness. We proclaim the same Good News that the Apostles preached, unchanged and undiminished through the centuries.
We are a bridge between ancient and modern. Here we bring Christ's timeless wisdom and healing to our contemporary world, offering the same life-giving Orthodox traditions that have transformed souls through union with Him for over 2,000 years.
We are a healing community growing in Christ together. Through worship, fellowship, and service, we support one another on the path to transformation and wholeness.
We are an extended village, welcoming and encouraging both adults and children in the Orthodox Christian faith. Together like the Holy Apostles, we grow to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ.
Our mission is to be an extended village, welcoming and encouraging both adults and children to participate in the Orthodox Christian Faith, as we grow together, like the Holy Apostles, to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ.
The doctrine of the Trinity ought to have upon our daily life an effect that is nothing less than revolutionary. Made after the image of God the Trinity, human beings are called to reproduce on earth the mystery of mutual love that the Trinity lives in heaven.
Metropolitan Kallistos Ware
Growing Christ's Church, Nourishing a Community of Love
​Everyone is welcome here: whatever your story, whatever questions, whatever your ethnic background, whatever your doubts or struggles. Come as you are, because that’s where God meets us. From there, we’ll help each other grow to be all God intended us to be.​
At Holy Apostles, we understand that each person's spiritual path is unique. Our community brings together people from all backgrounds—cradle Orthodox, converts, seekers, and those simply looking for a place to learn more about the ancient Christian faith. What binds us together is our shared love of Christ and our journey of transformation through His healing love.
We are blessed with a loving congregation that celebrates the richness of Orthodox Christianity while making it accessible to all.​​​
Worship: The Heart of Our Life Together
Our services are conducted primarily in English, with congregational singing that allows everyone to participate fully in worship with "one voice and one heart." Through Sunday Divine Liturgy, we experience heaven meeting earth in the Eucharistic celebration. Our worship life is enriched by the rhythm of daily prayers, while fasting seasons and feast day celebrations create the cycle of the Ecclesiastical year. Throughout the year, special services for healing, forgiveness, and spiritual renewal help us draw closer to Christ and one another.
Growing in Knowledge and Faith
Orthodox Christianity offers profound answers to life's deepest questions. Our weekly Bible study helps us more deeply know God's Word in Scripture. We offer ongoing adult education focused on prayer, spirituality, and understanding our faith. Our youth programs nurture children in Orthodox life, helping them grow strong roots in the faith. Throughout the year, special lectures, series, and workshops enrich our understanding and deepen our practice of Orthodox Christianity.
Living as Community
Our parish life extends far beyond Sunday morning. Regular fellowship events strengthen our bonds of friendship, while ministry teams work together serving our parish and wider community. Those seeking support can find it in our healing-focused groups. Everyone (even kids!) have opportunities to give back through community service, and our youth build lasting friendships through shared activities and faith experiences.
Practical Care and Support
Within our parish family, we strive to meet both spiritual and practical needs. Our priest offers pastoral counseling, spiritual guidance, and visitation to those who are ill or unable to attend services. When families face crisis, we come together as a faith family to offer practical assistance. Those new to Orthodox life can find guidance and wisdom through mentoring relationships, and a number of our ministries provide space for sharing life's challenges in a spirit of Christian love.
Making Your Home with Us
Whether you're exploring Orthodox Christianity for the first time or seeking to deepen your existing Orthodox faith, we're here to walk alongside you. Our priest and parish leaders are available to answer questions and provide guidance as you discover your place in our community.
Visit us for Sunday Divine Liturgy at 9:30 AM, followed by coffee hour and fellowship. Experience firsthand how ancient Christian faith brings healing and transformation to modern life.
For more information, schedule a conversation with our priest.​​