We have seen the true light, we have received the heavenly Spirit, we have found the true faith, worshipping the undivided Trinity, who has saved us.
From the Divine Liturgy
The Orthodox Christian faith offers a profound vision of healing and transformation—a way of life that brings us into deeper communion with God and one another. As the ancient Christian faith, Orthodoxy presents a complete path toward wholeness, drawing on two thousand years of wisdom about what it means to become truly alive in the love of Christ.
In Orthodox understanding, salvation isn't simply about a change in legal status—it's about the genuine transformation of the human person into who we were created to be. We see the Church as a spiritual hospital where Christ, the Divine Physician, helps to restore us to our true self—His precious and beloved son or daughter. This healing isn't just individual but extends to our relationships with God, others, and all of creation.
A Living Tradition
​Our faith is grounded in the living tradition of the Orthodox Church, passed down from the Apostles and preserved through generations of faithful Christians. This tradition isn't a museum piece but a dynamic life in Christ.
Through the Divine Liturgy and other vibrant worship services, we participate in the very life of heaven and are restored by the very Body and Blood of our Savior. Through the cycle and rhythms of the ecclesiastical year—with times for feasting and times for fasting; times for rejoicing and times for reflective repentance—we anchor ourselves to calendar which is sustaining and eternal, not hurried and transitory.
Orthodoxy is Biblical, and through Orthodoxy the fullness of Biblical Christianity comes truly alive. Orthodoxy isn't a denomination, because Orthodoxy pre-dates the very concept of denominations. The Orthodox Church is the original Christian faith, handed down from the Holy Apostles who walked with, spoke to, and knew Christ in His earthly ministry.
The Orthodox Church is the steward of two-thousand years of constancy of faith and healing wisdom. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is the heart of all our spiritual devotion. The sayings and teachings of the Church Fathers and Mothers help guide our path, while the lives of Saints help us understand what transformed humanity looks like. Today, we journey together as a community, just as the ancient Christian communities did, supporting one another as we grow in faith and love.
Begin Your Journey
We invite you to explore Orthodox Christianity not just as a set of beliefs, but as a way of life that leads to true healing and transformation in Christ. Through these pages, you'll encounter our basic beliefs and practices, our therapeutic approach to faith life, and the beautiful expressions of tradition found in an Orthodox life.
As you explore, please remember that Orthodox Christianity isn't primarily about absorbing information—it's about experiencing the healing presence of Christ and being transformed by His love. The journey begins with a simple step: come and see how this ancient faith brings healing and wholeness to contemporary life.