At Holy Apostles, we recognize that everything we have comes from God. Giving, therefore, is not a transaction, but a spiritual act of returning a portion of God's abundant blessings back to Him.
There are many ways to give. Our church thrives because countless people give: they offer their precious gift of time, they share their beautiful, unique talents, and they offer their financial support. While this section focuses on financial stewardship through our annual commitments, tithes, and special offerings, we deeply appreciative and celebrate every form of giving that helps our community grow together in Christ.​
Whether you're a longtime member making your annual stewardship commitment or a visitor moved to support our ministries, your generosity helps sustain our warm, welcoming community where everyone can experience God's healing love. To learn more about sharing your time and talents with our parish family, please reach out to our ministries coordinator.
Each one should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Ways to Give
Annual Stewardship
Your regular giving sustains our ministries throughout the year and helps us remain a beacon of Orthodox Christianity in our community. Through your stewardship commitment, you become an integral part of our parish family's journey. Making your annual commitment helps us plan thoughtfully for the year ahead, ensuring we can continue to serve both our parish family and welcome newcomers seeking Christ.
Make Your 2025 Stewardship Commitment →
Log in to Manage Your Giving →
Building Our Future Together
As our community grows, so too must our physical space. Our Capital Campaign represents more than just a building project - it's about creating room for more people to experience the fullness of Orthodox Christianity. When you support the campaign, you're helping write the next chapter of Holy Apostles' story. Visit our campaign website to learn more about this exciting vision for our future.
View Our Progress & Make a Gift →
Supporting Our Ministry
There are many ways to express your gratitude to God through giving at Holy Apostles. Beyond regular stewardship, you might feel called to honor a loved one through a memorial donation, contribute to special collections that support specific ministries, or consider including the church in your estate planning. Our clergy and stewardship team are always available to discuss these opportunities with you.
Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.
1 Timothy 6:18
Financial Budgetary Transparency
We believe in being fully transparent about how we steward gifts which are entrusted to us. Each quarter, we share detailed financial reports with our parish family that outline our income, expenses, and progress toward our annual goals. These reports are available to all stewards through our online portal and are reviewed at biannual parish council meetings.
Our annual budget process is collaborative and open. Each November, we present a detailed budget proposal at our parish assembly, where every member has a voice in setting our priorities for the coming year. Quarterly updates in our bulletin keep everyone informed about our financial health and any special needs that arise.
We take seriously our responsibility to be good stewards of your gifts. Our finance committee and parish council ensure that all funds are managed according to both civil and canonical requirements, with annual audits providing additional oversight.
If you have any questions, please contact our Parish Council.